Do you want to win money with our Wild Discus ?
How many would like to have a job selling Wild Discus . We will make it possible, without investing anything more than your time . You just need have a social network.
So let's make deals with some Wild Discus lovers who want to be our partners ! Being a Santarem Discus Plus partner implies sharing our Wild Discus in photos or videos through social networks . Recommending our Wild Discus to potential customers. These Santarem Discus Plus partners not only earn a percentage of 5% for each customer who recommends and buys through our online store our Wild Discus, but also allow the buyer to benefit from a cumulative discount of 5% on any promotion we may be running in our online store . Note just Wild Discus . To do this, we will use a code to be used on our online page, in which the customer referred by our partner Santarem Discus , will immediately receive 5% discount, exclusively on the purchase of Wild Discus .Our partner Santarem Discus Plus automatically gets a 5% credit of the Wild Discus value. This credit from each sale will be accumulated until the end of 2022. With this credit you can buy any of our Wild Discus or even pay for your expedition to the Amazon with our staff.
So just share on social networks our Wild Discus never forgetting to mention your code , that we will give to potential customers . The code will always be your name . More you share our photos, videos and even Youtube channel videos mentioning , the 5% discount and your code, the more credit you will get.
Don't wait any longer and contact us at and start earning 5% on every sale you make with your code to be used in our online store .
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