13 hours ago
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Thanks to all of you who follow our work day by day with Wild Discus ! Next June we will made 5 years and until now we have share more than 10.000 pictures... See more
Thanks to all of you who follow our work day by day with Wild Discus ! Next June we will made 5 years and until now we have share more than 10.000 pictures and videos to all of you ! Once again Thank you !! ❤️

Richard Whitehall, Cookie Liu, Peter Mazič, Mas Kiss, Eduardo Antunez, Muhammad Muiz Setianugraha, Isara Sulaiman, Denny, Nguyễn Văn Trường, Mujin Salahmuddin, Bao Huang, Calogero Montalbano, Tomas Nguyen, Irfan Kie Amat, محمد الدي, Wongsakorn Mekanawakul, Osvil Arcia, Lucas Quiros, Rahul Banerjee II, Gunawan Setiadi, مجید سزاوار, Lolo Carvalho, Vitali Guivan, Muhammad Al Fatih, Alran Alran, Hein Myat Min, Da B Aquarium Abnel, Ping Kwong Lee, Oswind Prayoga, Ikky Saputra, Discus Elsdorf, Anurat Sisem, Akhmad Purwanto, Jari Palviainen, Surya Oky, Taryo, Lisam Bdpetslover, Jamie Roberts-Smith
14 hours ago
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15 hours ago
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It's been two years since we attended another edition of Interzoo. Here's the moment we met up with our Tropical "family" again.
19 hours ago
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APP Santarem Discus the easiest way to visit our online shop


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APP Santarem Discus the easiest way to visit our online shop


May 28 at 10:17am
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Just a curiosity !!
As we know, all Discus Hybrids came from the Wild DISCUS . Some that we have found in the last 2 years have a different pattern that reminds us of Hybrid...
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Just a curiosity !!
As we know, all Discus Hybrids came from the Wild DISCUS . Some that we have found in the last 2 years have a different pattern that reminds us of Hybrid "tigers" Discus .
May 27 at 11:04pm
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May 27 at 11:04pm
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May 27 at 11:04pm
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